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Topic: better get back in the C4 boat...

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better get back in the C4 boat... (1/1)
 2/4/25 3:33pm
Standard Member
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Ocean Park, WA - USA

2001 Coupe, 1988 35th Anniversary Coupe currently used to own 1987 Coupe and 1998 Coupe

Joined: 9/30/2016
Posts: 80

  After my brake story, I think I need to shift back to the C4.  My friend in Nevada bought my first C4, a 1987 4+3 Z51 2 tone painted car.  He was moving around and re-investing in several Corvettes so he let it go on to his sister and his nephew.  After deciding to realign his investments, he took the car back recently.  I am trying to encourage him to share his stories, but he's a busy guy.

  He had felt that the car had been damaged through various escapades such as the local drag racing venue and other horsing around things these cars sometimes get attracted to.  It has been encouraging to hear that the car is holding up well and that it needed just a little TLC, and it's going to be babied again for a while.

  Some of you will remember this car was in the calendar 2 years ago.  I am going to try to talk Steve into writing in so you can see the progress he makes as he straightens it back out.  He scared me with concerns that the transmission was experiencing issues, but has decided it's fine, which makes me happy.  I know this transmission seems to generate way too much discussions over its reliability, but I enjoyed it working as designed and kind of wish I kept the car.

 It developed a wink, but Steve fixed that and cleaned up that area under the front valance as well.

  My favorite photo -- it's homepage on my tablet.

  Owning Corvettes has become one of the best parts of my retirement.  Pretty dull before!  I hope to get out a lot more often in the upcoming year!

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